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Indigo Dye Experience

Closing December 10 at 7pm

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You and nine of your friends and/or co-workers will make an indigo vat, learn how to use it and go home with a lovely shibori (aka tie day) cotton shawl and t-shirt!

During this two hour experience, participants will set up an indigo dye pot and be shown how to prepare & organize their shawl and t-shirt for dyeing. This includes the creative use of clothes pegs, jar lids, rubber bands, wine corks, popsicle sticks, tongue depressors, origami folds, sewing thread and or whatever!

Each participant will take home their dyed pieces with instructions on how to wash them prior to using (and why your denim jeans bleed blue forever….) A light snack will be served to keep everyone energized and happy!

Donated By Calgary Heritage Weavers and Spinners Guild

No shipping required. Winning bidder will be emailed instructions to claim their package.

Contact: Lynn Tipper
Email: ltipper@calgaryfoodbank.com
Phone: (403) 640-8813