“Gone Fishing” by Sheldon Smithens

“Gone Fishing” by Sheldon Smithens

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Sheldon Smithens

“Gone Fishing”
We have so much fun picking across Canada. We filmed several times in every province and the Yukon territories. The people we ‘picked’ from were as diverse as the country — old, young, funny, and unusual. our journey had us in barns, attics, ships, space shuttles, and places unimaginable.

Our little red barn in Inglewood filled up with an assortment of the most unusual items ever assembled in Canada.
Shooting Canadian Pickers was about as much fun as it gets. Nothing I would rather be doing — except fishing! My bowl features a rainbow trout and you wouldn’t believe the story about how I caught it…

Item List:
Canadian Pickers Bobbleheads
Two Pickets t-shirts
Pickers Flooatie pen and photo

By bidding on this bowl, you are supporting organizations such as Servants Anonymous Society of Calgary through the Calgary Food Bank’s Food Link program.

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