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Dermatology, Wellness & Massage Package

Donated by SkiNCEUTICALS, Henderson Massage Health & Wellness Centre and Modere Clean Label Health and Wellness

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Who can't use a Pick-me-up??

Package includes:

  • Professional SkiNCEUTICALS Facial Treatment
  • SkiNCEUTICALS Antioxidant Treatment
  • Up to $100 of SkiNCEUTICALS product
  • Modere package which includes: Hand Wash, Body Butter, Toothpaste, Mouth Rinse, Multi-purpose Cleaner, Fresh Space (Products that are safe and effective. Free of toxins & harmful chemicals.)
  • 1-hour massage at Henderson Massage Health & Wellness Centre.

All prizes can be picked up at 539 Springfield Road, Winnipeg, MB. If you are out of the province, we will arrange for shipping. Please call or email Heather Korol to arrange pick up or delivery.

Contact: Heather Korol
Email: hkorol10@gmail.com
Phone: (204) 223-5546