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Flying Lesson with Passenger Experience

Full Preparatory Ground Instruction , Pre & Post Flight Briefings, 40 Minutes of Flight Time (Including 30 Minutes in the air) at Springbank Air Training College. Includes 1 Passenger.

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly an aircraft or do you know someone whose dream it is to fly a plane? If so then this is the perfect experience for you! Take control of a Cessna 172 with your instructor by your side and see how it feels.

Your Experience begins with a briefing followed by an introduction to the pre-flight safety checks carried out by pilots before every flight. This will last approximately 20-25 minutes and during this period you'll learn to check everything from the correct functioning of the ailerons, flaps and rudder through to the fuel and oil levels, suspension, fuselage condition and more.

Following the safety checks you'll board the aircraft (with you in the pilot's seat of course!) and you'll go through a series of ground checks, including a radio check, local air traffic, weather state and wind speed. Your instructor will then taxi the aircraft into position, and once you have the all-clear from the tower, will start the run-up and away you go for an unforgettable 30 minutes in the air!

Once airborne, the fun part of the flying lesson really begins. After a demonstration of how to manoeuvre the aircraft it's over to you to take control. You'll be in control for the majority of the flight, practicing gaining and losing altitude, turns, banks and staying on a straight course (easier said than done!). You can stay in control of the aircraft for the whole time if you wish, or of course have the instructor take over for a few minutes whilst you take some photos to remind you of your flying lesson.

Once your time in the air is over the instructor will once again take over for landing, and once safely back on the ground you'll carry out post flight checks and have the opportunity to learn how to taxi as you steer the aircraft back to its' berth. Your Experience will then finish up with a post-flight debriefing and an opportunity for you to ask any remaining questions you may have.

Plus, you can share the excitement of your Flying Lesson Experience with a loved one. They'll join you during the ground instruction portion of the lesson and then buckle-up in the passenger seat as you take the controls!

As a final bonus, should you get the flying bug and decide to go on and take your license, this flying lesson actually counts towards your flying time so you'll already be on your way!

Experience Location
Location(s): Springbank Airport, near Calgary with Springbank Air Training College
Specific location details including contact information, map and directions will be provided at the time of booking a date for the Experience.

Duration: Approximately 2 Hours  

Experience Includes

  • Full preparatory ground instruction
  • Pre and post flight briefings
  • 40 minutes of flight time (including 30 minutes in the air)
  • You may bring one passenger with you on your flight

Terms & Conditions:

Things to Remember

Valid for voucher holder and one passenger. Flights are weather dependant. Flight times from engine start up to engine shut down. Available 7 days a week, year round, at 10:00am, 12:00noon, 2:00pm and 4:00pm.
Avaialble year round. Expires one year from date of purchase. Ground transportation is not included.


Are all items for pick up only. The Winning Bidders will be contacted to arrange pick up of items. Thanks!

Contact: Jason Yeast
Email: hurricanes@northsidesoccer.ca
Phone: (403) 246-8603