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Tom Baker Cancer Centre Golf Classic
  • Tom Baker Cancer Centre Golf Classic
  • Start Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015 06:00 AM MST
  • End Date: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 02:00 PM MST

The 24th Annual Tom Baker Cancer Center Golf Classic In Memory of Fred C. Coles will be teeing off from Elbow Springs Golf Club on September 10th in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

The Alberta Cancer Foundation is the largest non-government, philanthropic investor in cancer research in Alberta, investing more than $110 million over the past 5 years. The Foundation brings together donors, patients, health-care providers and researchers across the province to close the gap between diagnosis and cure. In being the designated fundraising partner for the 17 cancer centres across the province, including the Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton and the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, the Alberta Cancer Foundation is able to make the most significant impact for patients, right at the point of care. 

Through his personal experience with the exceptional cancer care provided at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Fred C. Coles was inspired to work with the Alberta Cancer Foundation to build the Tom Baker Cancer Centre Golf Classic into one of Calgary’s premier charity events. Now, seven years after his passing, the Alberta Cancer Foundation continues the tradition in his memory, focusing on creating more moments for Albertan patients and their families facing cancer.

To date, this event has raised over $5.9 million in support of enhanced care and research here in Calgary. Funds raised this year through the auction items below, will directly support the provincial Biobank, a collection of samples that allows researchers to answer critical questions when it comes to cancer. For the Alberta Cancer Foundation, it’s a way to make a difference for the 16,000 Albertans who hear “you have cancer” this year. 

Thank you for making investments that matter.