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Better Together: Children
  • Better Together: Children's Link Online Auction
  • Start Date: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 12:00 AM MST
  • End Date: Monday, May 30, 2022 08:00 PM MST

The Children's Link Society is excited to launch our Better Together Online Auction in support of Children's Link and celebrating 25 years of improving lives and strengthening communities. We invite you to join with us in support of our mission to help equip, empower, and engage families caring for loved ones with a disability.

Children’s Link Society serves over 3700 families caring for children with disabilities every year by offering real help and connecting them to the resources they may not be aware of. Children’s Link is unique in Canada and has served Calgary and area since 1989.

Funds from our online auction help us support families caring for children and youth with disabilities.

Thank you for your support! We’re Better Together!