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Steelhaus Technologies Inc. 2021 Golf Classic
  • Steelhaus Technologies Inc. 2021 Golf Classic
  • Start Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021 12:00 PM MST
  • End Date: Thursday, August 26, 2021 08:00 PM MST

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Steelhaus Technologies Inc. Golf Classic!
This Golf Classic offers up a fresh and unique experience, as we are fully prepared to provide all our golfers with an exciting morning & afternoon of breakfast, welcome beverage, lunch, 18 holes of golf at the beautiful Springbank Links Golf Club, 14 skill contests, 4 hole-in-one contests, putting & chipping contests, amazing food holes, cold beverage holes, entertainment…all in under 6.5 hours! Yes, that’s right, we plan to have you golf, eat, drink, entertained, awarded and on your way in 6.5 hours! No lengthy & stuffy speeches that we have heard a million times. We take the key entertaining elements of a Golf Classic…sprinkle in a little more added value…and at the same time, we remove the lengthy and tiresome portions that you usually have to sit through!

The 3rd Annual Golf Classic is very excited to be supporting the Calgary Flames Foundation and specifically the #Snowy Strong ALS movement! 

Chris Snow, Assistant General Manager of the Calgary Flames, was recently diagnosed with ALS. The most tangible way you can help us is by donating to research. ALS is a rare disease, and rare diseases aren't easily cured. Fewer than 20,000 people in North America are estimated to be living with ALS. Of them only 2,000 are living with familial ALS, the kind caused by a gene passed down within a family. And yet this has torn through Chris' family. We have lost Chris' dad, both of Chris' paternal uncles and his 28-year-old cousin to this disease.

“Someone has to be the first person to live with ALS rather than die from it, and one thing I've always known about Chris is that he finds a way. No matter the obstacle, no matter how unprecedented the situation may be -- he always, always finds a way." - Kelsie Snow

To Make a Tax Receiptable Donation or to Learn More About Snowy Strong go to https://snowystrong.ca/

We thank you in advance for your interest in supporting the 3rd Annual Steelhaus Technologies Inc. Golf Classic! See you at Springbank Links Golf Club on Wednesday, August 25, 2021!