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Parkland Institute
  • Parkland Institute
  • Start Date: Monday, May 09, 2022 04:00 PM MST
  • End Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 08:30 PM MST

Ever since Parkland Institute began, it’s been the people who matter most - the volunteers, researchers, supporters, and employees. Donations help us do the important research that helps make people’s lives better.  And it’s true when we say every dollar counts.

With the generous support of so many people like you, Parkland Institute is able to study the economic, social, cultural and political issues facing Albertans and Canadians and work toward a more just, more sustainable society.

Based at the University of Alberta, Parkland Institute has been instrumental in adding a progressive voice to the public discourse in Alberta. Since its inception in 1996, Parkland has conducted vital research and public programs that provide individuals and organizations with the background information they need to challenge the conservative narrative in our province.

Over our 25-year history, we have published six books and more than 100 peer-reviewed reports that have provided in-depth progressive analysis on issues that matter deeply to Albertans. From challenging Ralph Klein’s plans to privatize health care, to showing that Albertans are not getting our fair share of energy royalties, to stopping the privatization of EPCOR, the institute’s research has had an important impact.

Through our public events and annual November conference, the institute brings together diverse communities and serves to connect people and organizations to learn and build stronger progressive networks.

Parkland Institute thanks all the generous sponsors who have supported us over the years. We hope you will continue to support our research and help us expand our community. And if you are new to the Parkland community… welcome!