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Tiny Footprints YEG Starry Night
  • Tiny Footprints YEG Starry Night
  • Start Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022 04:30 PM MST
  • End Date: Saturday, October 01, 2022 10:00 PM MST

Tiny Footprints began in Calgary and has raised over $500,000 for local pregnancy and infant loss support programs through an annual fundraising gala. We are excited to expand the event to Edmonton on October 1, 2022! 

Tiny Footprints aims to raise funds and awareness for pregnancy and infant loss, including both hospital-based and community-based support programs for grieving parents. We also strive to create community and reduce the isolation that often accompanies the loss of a baby. 

Please join us in supporting the capital region's support programs for grieving families!