Starting May 10th, we will be updating our platform and you may require to register a new user account. Learn more
  • Start Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 06:00 PM MST
  • End Date: Monday, May 24, 2021 08:00 PM MST

Well we believe our time has come... Attention all Blues Can Lovers, Admirers, Fans, Musicians, Patrons and Supporters... It has taken great efforts by many to get the club this far into a pandemic, and still be here to tell the tale! We are all very proud that The Blues Can still exists and is quietly & patiently waiting for the day we can reopen properly and for good. But alas disappointment reigns supreme as our hopes are dashed again and again...
So now another great effort is required! We would like to present to you:
The Blues Can's Blues-A-Thon Fundraiser & On-Line Auction! 
For more info on the shows please go to: www.thebluescan.com

Please help in any way that you can! Any items and services from our patrons and fans who wish to donate to our cause will be greatly appreciated!!!  
Drop items off after 4pm, 7 days a week. Address: 1429 – 9th Ave SE Calgary AB T2G 0T4

Email address is: info@thebluescan.com Our number: 403-262-2666 Web: www.thebluescan.com

We need more help than the politicians are willing to give us in order to make sure we are here when the pandemic restrictions are finally lifted, so please tune in and/or donate if you can.

Please help The Blues Can continue to provide our patrons with the fine live music we are known for, and musical entertainment experiences that are sure to satisfy…. after this trying time has passed and we are able to put normalcy back into our lives once again.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Team Blues Can